[参展讯息] 2014 义大利维罗纳国际石材展(09/24-09/27)

Marmomacc, essential appointment for stone industry - International fair for operators in the marble sector, from machinery to instrumental products, from blocks to more complex stone processing, for professionals in construction and contract sectors as well as designers and decision makers seeking success in an increasingly specialised and competitive context.

2014 义大利维罗纳国际石材展

[参展讯息] 2014 义大利维罗纳国际石材展(09/24-09/27)

Marmomacc, essential appointment for stone industry -
International fair for operators in the marble sector, from machinery to instrumental products, from blocks to more complex stone processing, for professionals in construction and contract sectors as well as designers and decision makers seeking success in an increasingly specialised and competitive context.

24 Sep, 2014 吉生机械


  • 展览日期:2014年09月24 日至27 日
  • 开放时间:9.30 am - 6.00 pm
  • 展会地点:Verona Exhibition Centre, Verona, Italy;Entrance gates: Cangrande - San Zeno - Re Teodorico
  • 摊位号码:8 馆, D5-1

您若想要得到关于此展览更详细的介绍,请至MARMOMACC 义大利维罗纳国际石材设计及技术展官网查阅。

吉生GISON风动工具, 气动工具综合产品目录

产品范围包括新风动吸盘产品,风动扳手,风动砂轮机, ...等各种风动工具, 气动工具。


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